the Devil says things are not as bleak as you imagine   
        Thursdays in Hell

A man dies and goes straight to Hell.  He's met by the Devil who
reassures him.  "You've heard nothing but bad things about this place, but
since you will be spending an eternity here, I wanted to reassure you that 
things are not as bleak as you imagine.  For instance, do you like drugs?"
"Sure," the man replies.  "Heroin,  cocaine, LSD.  What's not to like?"
"Fine.  You're going to LOVE Mondays.  How about booze?  Do you like liquor?"
"I'm crazy about it.   Scotch, bourbon, martinis, stingers.  Yes."
"Great.  You're going to LOVE Tuesdays.  And how about smoking?"
"Smoking!  I love to smoke:  cigars, pipes, weed -- anything."
"Fantastic!  You're going to LOVE Wednesdays.  And by the way, are you gay?"
"No.  Why?"

"Oh.  You're going to HATE Thursdays."

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